NetWORKit is a workshop created to help you network better. Whether you absolutely hate networking, don’t know how or who to network with, or just know your current network isn’t getting you where you want to be, NetWORKit will change what you think is possible for yourself through strategic relationship building.
By providing a new definition of networking, exploring different ways to network, and learning a consistent framework to help you feel prepared, NetWORKit will improve your ability to actually connect with people.
NetWORKit is available to attend as an individual or bring in as a custom experience for your team.
It’s probably for you. And if somehow it’s not, it’s definitely for that friend or co-worker you are thinking about right now with that “bless their heart” look on your face. There are some specific people who NetWORKit can help in important ways:
Entrepreneurs: Develop a framework for connecting to collaborators and investors with confidence that will open new doors
Mid-Career Professionals: Get a new perspective on what it means to network so you can build your visibility and influence at your office, in your industry or in the community at large
Realtors/Account Managers: Build stronger relationships with current and future clients to increase referrals and quality interactions
Young Professionals: Take your career to the next level by strategically creating opportunities with leaders and big thinkers in your field
Students: Start your transition from school to career with the confidence and know-how to proactively pursue the relationships and opportunities that set you apart from your peers
You’ll get that new definition of networking and framework for inviting someone to a networking coffee. But more than that, you will get to use these skills to take bold steps in your career and in your community.
When available, NetWORKit workshops for the public will be listed here. However, if you are part of a student group, learning community or company who wants your own tailored version of NetWORKit, you can reach out to Kim@caldwellconnect.com to talk scheduling and pricing.

In this workshop, Kim not only helped me nail my elevator pitch, but she also taught formatting informational interview and follow-up coffee emails. These lessons prove to be continuously beneficial as I enter the workforce. I employ the networking skills she taught frequently. Kim's eagerness to help instill confidence in the next generation of leaders is unparalleled, and I cannot recommend working with her enough!
Adrienne Epstein, Recent UT Grad

I have always hated networking, to the point that I considered being a terrible networker part of my identity. If I ever found myself at a networking event I would find a corner, get on my phone, and pretend to read and react to fake emails. Taking this workshop has changed my entire perspective about what networking actually is, and my ability to do it. Afterward, my manager asked me jokingly if I was now ready to get out there and meet people, and was almost taken aback when I answered with a confident yes.
Kate Caldwell, Mid-Career Professional and Reluctantly Impressed Older Sister